Video 75
71. Shanti Gita - Class 71 - chapter 6 - verse 37
foreign [Music] foreign oh Lord lead us from the unreal to the real lead us from Darkness to light lead us from death to immortality and even more shine in our hearts with your Splendid face from peace peace peace so we are reading santigita sixth chapter 36 verse we ended there the concluding verse was very important after discussing so much of Maya and his existence and in how it came up the conclusion is on verse number 36 is that that it is there is no Maya though you see this world and I will say that is created by Maya but in reality there is no Maya white ground of that reasoning what is the reason of that it has no satta existence of his own is a borrowed thing it borrowed existence of the sachidananda he takes up and appears like this without Brahman Maya cannot exist therefore he has no satta the reality by its own therefore that is one reason that's why my eye is not ultimate truth it is not a booster it is not a tangible object when I am here with my mind and mind goes and this go away this this Maya does not remain it's happiness its misery it's so it's anger it's frustrations it's fun it's Joy it's Beauty nothing remains so there is no boost to boost it is No Object of tangible existence it is not the Atman it is honor and it is not the self it is matter because of these four reasons yeah the conclusion has been drawn that Maya asserting yourself that there is the only truth remains is sachidananda Brahman and not Maya Maya appears so long mind is here Maya disappears as the Mind merges into the truth so try to think this way and make it certain the nature of Maya then you will not be affected by it you live in dubaya and analyze this way to its existence is only an appearance on the ground of sachidananda Brahman so you have no satta of his own it is almost true it is not a tangible object or a reality therefore it has no existence third it is not the self Capital cell unchanging self it is not like that and it is Jada it is matter very good four points to vedanta student can everyday think look at the world in this four aspect poor perspective spiritual practice for vedanta student seeing anything in the world he will bring this four argument as it is reality is it his own nature what you are seeing is its own nature there's a rope is the real and snake has come over it snake has no satta no existence at all but it you feel you cry we've been the fear does not mean that the Rope is there strength is there so Maya is there it is your con just misconception there is nothing as such and this is not a boost too because rope is the only books too Muslim is the reality and it is not itself is always unchanging but this this Maya changes every day it's formed it's safe its size its nature changing when it is matter it is not conscious it is not Consciousness it is matter now that is the verse we read the other day now we will go to the verse number 37 foreign [Music] beautiful therefore conclusion is that mayanasti there is no Maya Maya Maya does not exist then what is this world you see this world does not exist you say I am Jiva individual soul my suffering my place you don't exist Jiva no no Jiva and they have no Jiva the Lord has created this world there is no God see is the very highest vedanta yeah those who can believe in God they can come here to understand this there is no no God because it is not there because Jiva is not there if the son is not there how I shall you call it father if this creation is not there who has created called ishara how can I say ishara is there there is not accept your avatar or ishara even your all the gods and goddesses ah okay it is up to Pure mind but it is mind reject that's not the ultimate truth so the vedantic confusion is very very firm and this is almost no ultimate truth is that this world is not there it is never created it is you are only thinking in your imagination so long you are seeing it then what is this it's only Brahman Brahman alone is there and then am I seeing what you're seeing you're saying dream kalpana this is your imagination as you imagine in your dream the entire dream world and you cry and weep and smile and dance and eat and sing and whatever you do so long you do it is there it is like a like that dream a longer dream this is a Daydream that's a Night Dream vedant to suggest that you are you understand your night dream not true but spiritually achievement will be there when you understand this is also a Daydream it has no absolute existence only Brahman exists ah so this is a conclusion of vedanta mayanasti there is no Maya to deliver us there is no Jiva that no Jiva is there who will be deluded there is not the person who is holding the mayadesh or a God who created no then then what is there that exist that is the Brahman absolute existence absolute Consciousness absolute blessedness no that is the only reality and then whatever is seeing think it is all like the dream night dream and date him this is the kalpana money imagination fantasy is a fantasy of your mind it is your fantasy they are philosophy meaning I am only the only one Jiva and I have created this whole universe you are such a powerful person yes don't you create a new dream the entire world who creates your entire dream world the sun there the road the traffic thousands of cars in the traffic you are jammed packed there you are fighting you are angry another person reacting one way you're hungry you are getting to a feast and this where does it come from is it real because you you see that now Analyze That is not that is your mind has created this is your mind has created but one one distinction is there we have to discuss a little bit in your dream Night Dream you create yourself you create everything you create yourself in the dream and all the dream activities dream people dream food Dream River dream freeway dream Sky dream stars dream galaxies dreams Moon dream Sun whatever you see you created there is no once has gone there to create your dream is it not do anyone disagreement this point ah you cannot it is not a question of belief but it is your own experience you are doing every day now this has been created by what that was created by not your mind there is a cosmic mind Cosmic mind has created this jagat this daytime Daydream it is his daydream and you me are all created by that Cosmic mind as your mind creates yourself in the dream your mind creates all the friends and enemies and whatever similarly that ishara he has created by in his dream is he is dreaming Cosmic mind stream therefore you we all see the same Sun you also say son I also say son no but you like the sun I dislike the Sun that is our individual problem understand God has created the Beautiful roses flowers chirping of the bird morning Sunrise full moon night Everything Is Beautiful also horrible something it has been created and we had we been in that state of mind it is a cosmic Minds play I will not be affected but I am getting affected it is called I am projecting my attachment or aversion to that God has created one object equal for everyone but I like you you dislike it someone hate it someone ought to kill another person the person who is someone is going to kill that that person is loved by someone else so why so much variety of experiences because it is called Jiva srishta DotA in the panchada sea the text is very importantly mentioned here ishwara sister The Duality created by God as if in his Cosmic dream is dreaming this as we dream in our small dream in our individual which is the cosmic dream and in as in your own dream all the people who are working is there following your instruction you do not know that you are getting afraid of a tiger but your mind has created the tiger and mind has created the tiger should chase you and then you are running running running and you will be caught by the tiger and he'll cry out and then the dream will break so every planning is you are the planner your mind is the planner it's very deep analysis of dream experience gives this understanding about this discretion where we are now as you are the prime person you are the position in the position of ishara who created the entire dream world of yours and every action of the dream people every action of a dream animal every car whatever it is your planning you are the producer you are the playwright you are the actor playwright actor producer everything is you your mind think it very seriously who else is there do you suggest anyone enters into your mind that time no but yes it is only you similarly in the cosmic mind he dreams it is his dream and we are all moving around this according to the cosmic will that's why it is called it's the big sadhana now I'm I'm the instrument you are the machinist you are the machine man no I am the engine you are the driver no because it is all we are seeing we are doing but it may under the plan of cosmic imagination of the ishwara but but what happened in this creation why I am getting involved into it God is great experience I could have been very on the instrument I need not have to participate in doing it because I also am having my own ignorance no Jiva sister I create a duality there I think I like the purple color you like the yellow color I like this person I dislike that person that my ego is attaching Detachment objectively the same thing so this is the point Suppose there is a our classical example in the scriptures they give suppose a young girl is moving in the street an old guy sitting over there who lost his daughter seeing their daughter in the heart of that old man he thinks she looks like my daughter and she immediately he immediately goes to that emotion of loss of the daughter daughter is dead and this and that he cries no he feels so much emotional another person looking at that this is my sister is going someone lustfully looking at her seeing something else No Object remaining the same experiences are becoming different because of the mental attitude and that mind is polluted or to Pure so similarly here is two double action is happening God has created one thing and if we go to the mind of God can we can purify ourselves then we will not be affected this is what God's plan going on ramakrishna says who are you who's suffering then he said I am somebody who are you you are coming from where it is God's word God has created God is playing with God for you now in between because my ego is popping up and my attachment my dislike like is coming so that's why this is the explanation this world is going on so magically because that is the reason that we are attached to something detached to something likes and dislikes all our Joys and suffering because my ignorance ignorant mind is in the play Above All God's Cosmic ignorance God's Cosmic ignorance is beautiful Everything Is Beautiful like a painter other artist say prepare the entire good bad so many things but for a painter it is great joy even it is painted this way or that way painter is always happy because of his creation creativity no there is they sometimes the painter creates a lovely spiritual theme sometimes it is very violent torturous paint you know you can do that but for the if you look from the eye of a painter it is everything is his fun God's Farm not creating this way but why you get involved who are you why are you entering into it we cannot help because we have our own agenda on ignorance and that is playing so that's called dual in superimposition God has created one and one I am imposing on that so how to get out of this simple purify the mind and you can be in a statement there is no mind then you are free Rose every day when you go to deep sleep there is no mind almost dies man goes to sleep and at that point where is your happiness where is your imagery where is this world world of Happiness misery five fear anxiety you worry where does it go it evaporates into the way it evaporation to void if one can go by samadhi to that state by spiritual practice purifying they are called the rishis the seers of Truth that's why they are on perturbed either we are talking about just now it's okay issues he's called a his mind is set in perfect Poise who is that foreign comes I don't care it is happening in my eyes it is happening body the body is suffering what does not mean anyhow they get out of it you not get anxiety happiness comes you are jumping with happiness too it is nothing it is all said momentary thing is come it will go you don't identify with this or that so that is the point his wrist when one can think that Maya nasty [Music] this is all kalpana imagination like a dream as we dream so it is a dream a bigger dream Cosmic dream and we are all identifying ourselves in that dream and we are interacting what you are saying of course of course but he is not bound because he is the powerful person and then he also dreaming yeah he knows we do not know we when you dream it is me only there is no one me has become my friend me has become my enemy me means my mind has become all this fall is my mind has taken the form similarly here God has taken all the form in the dead dream compare that to just think about that what happens in the dream there is no one but me alone every inch of of the road every object limited object anything in there is nothing but my mind means me I have split myself into myself there one and all the objects and also the real Observer behind I saw the dream when you saw your mind there is an observer also and that Observer is untouched ashara God is untouched but when he dreams he comes down into the level of in a creativity in a subtle level in the mental level like that's where you could Cosmic mind so in that Cosmic mind level this activity goes on and it is God only it is God only he has become everything that's why vedant also says it is nothing but God huh I want to read more if we can take one verse and and dive deep into this thought here you get the entire entire science of vedanta and a way to get out of it also this this this and the freedom from this bondage has been mentioned think that it is like that dream as is happening there here is also that only because of my mind and my attachment likes and dislikes that's why I am suffering Brahma canis don't suffer they live in the world but they're always free because they know it is just an appearance it is not true true is Brahman true is God they turn in their loving time God or vedantic Brahma or Atman all these terminology foreign foreign so I am that that reality not this identifying not with this body and its associate thing in the world so beautiful what no not sure and also if you analyze then take these four ideas who are just in the 36 verses that when it turned on it in the in that impermanent object you are putting the idea of it is there huh and say from the heaven Heavenly Abode to the ground in this world these are all little that's why people are working day and night to be happy because they think that it will I will remain here I will remain here forever as it were people are every arrogant person what they are doing look at that Putin has in put in his army man what is it called the military General has put some very brutal person to act on Ukraine that is the mindset but they never think that I will remain I am important I will rule the world I will do that no and at the cost of whatever is it so here this all this objective universe is not permanent but we are thinking it is permanent that is the one on India or Suchi it is all not pure only pure is God and everything is defined but we think this these objects as pure and where there is no happiness we are all trying to see happiness there Ashoka and which is not the artman we are making that I am the body I am the mind I am the ego identifying identifying it so in these four ways we can make ourselves free from it so the 37 verse which he did Maya nasty there is no Cosmic ignorance like Maya the universe is not there Jibo nasty Jiva there is no individual soul and so also there is no God there is no God how will be God God is there because if you say God's creation if they know God knows however comes comes the god-diven so there is no God and that's why sometimes in physical they believe that this atheistic idea there is no God but everything continuing in the relative plane will have to say God is there but we are talking from a very high platform this verse when you read don't bring it down to our level then we'll be all confusion then people will do all types of non-nasty things but there is no God there's no good there's no bad and there is no good there is no word for not for me are you it's going to be high level we have realized God for them there is no good bad but in our heart of hearts we have attachment we have abortion we have likes we have dislikes so it is not for us but just to think about that what is the ideal so therefore as existence the universe individual soul and God are all mere imaginations their imaginations like that of the kalpana like that of a dream so this is 37. now it's continuing the same verse explaining in little more explanation is [Music] [Music] foreign you cannot say you cannot see there is one if you see one ramakrina said you have the idea of two so long you say one you must have some idea of two you say two means you have an idea of one so you cannot bhaktum you cannot say that he come Brahman is act we say we say that Brahman is one but it is you cannot say that we are not competent to say Brahman is Alone one what will you say don't say whatever you say you you make a mistake you create confusion don't say you only feel experience DTM now you come you cannot talk about the ultimate truth as one what the question where is there two where there is many whether it's varieties you are making it Bound By The non-numerical Bondage one two three four these are born Bound by the number so you are binding the absolute into this idea of numerical bondage now it is one it is not too why are you saying all these things you are creating more confusion to be done that's why Ultimate Experience people cannot say anything the speech stops there it does not remain or it does not be fit it is not be fitting in the Brahman Consciousness talking about one talking about two making it Bound in the numerical order this type of con conventional words does not go there in Brahman even you cannot say it is one see it's where which platform they are talking about we are saying the income Brahma there is only one not two that's why they can express as much they can say upanishads are the expressions of that which cannot be expressed that's why they have gone up to that far he come aditium and only one if you say one you might have some idea of two that says say I'm not nor do not many I know so saying one way one at the same time to create this conception if you say one there is something else no no no there is no other thing that's why it is you punishers are expressive in the possible way but ultimately they say whatever you say it is a wrong description of that what is Brahman is so there says 38 bars 32. Brahman does not deserve to be referred to as one we say that but this verse Krishna is bhakti Guru but he is vedanta Guru Hari Krishna people will get mad here if you say but vedanta we are very fortunate we can take moisture or we can take ishara we can also sing in the name of ishara dance in the name of Israel and get good Prasad from Krishna Prasad but this that's why it is beauty of vedanta you you become otherwise you become one-sided no ramakrishna said I mean I will remain in Russia means Happiness joy and boss was not controlled no that means I will enjoy everything God the absolute God in the form God appearing this way it's God's Leela going on take whatever way enjoy God no it's like having a candy you put in your mouth and you put it on the right side test it and left side over the tongue below the tongue enjoy whatever way you want to have it enjoy God in that way so the translation goes Brahman does not deserve to be referred to as one where from do you wish to see The Duality in it one makes it numerically Limited which does not be fit in Brahman one makes it numerically bound no it does not be fit in Brahman then whenever you say one you have some intention very fine level of thought is that you are thinking of too therefore that again will come back to that story of the basqually and bardham masculine who was the student basically asked basqually was the student and birth was the student anyhow one of them was this student another teacher the student went to ask to the teacher and said sir I would do humility I came to the guru carrying a a heap of what you call the firewood firewood Summit they call firewood and then put at the feet of the teacher and said sir teacher understand he is coming in this way means he's a student and humble and said sir I want to know about Brahman please teach us please tell me anything then and the guru didn't say anything just simply City Idol and not not saying yes no no explanation if you ask me I'll take one hour lecture because I have not understood much but here he remains silent and then after sometimes a student is getting restless no worry I'm asking a question and he is not responding to me and then again he said sir you are silent please tell me what Brahman is like I want to experience that I am student of yours guidance and third time it's quite quite a long time passed like that again he asked the same question and then at last the guru said basket I was telling you all the time what is Brahman like it is silence you cannot say anything I was teaching that but you didn't get the point you are thinking that I'll talk so many things and I'll describe Brahman is an object no you can describe this Temple it is so many feet length and wheat and these and there is a wall this picture that picture and there's views you can describe can you describe Brahman how can you describe Brahman he's infinite and there is no two that who is second person you talking um so that is that you don't try to make God Bound in your numerical formula one too many infinite all language any language you create that you are disturbing the whole philosophy therefore experience it is you have to understand in your own experience in every feeling and every emotion you feel is it is the presence of the Divine The Joy money overflowing Joy everywhere here there everywhere and there people get merged into that that's why their ego gets lost that's called samadhi the ego gets lost into that Cosmic consciousness until analyst one dishes there this Duality will remain and it is not Brahman Channel so long you see bohu so wrong you see many you are in ignorance no I hope in this reality not many absolutely it is one and one without a second and that much we can say and Beyond I cannot that is beyond our expression [Music] Brahman does not deserve to be referred as one if you say it is true how where from do you wish to see The Duality in the eat in this Brahman that's why you can say he who is many times say he it is he it is she it is any any description you are limiting is gender it is with 10 arms that a 20 on God our goddesses are two armed goddesses or is a cosmic vishwary for that one whatever you say it is all you are limiting then Limitless one makes it numerically limited which does not be fit eat at Brahman as it is now 38 39 in question huh question is coming so let me another 15 minutes here there okay [Music] um [Music] [Music] that is a trace of duality in brahmana Lei Sumatra means less means stress little little something Little Dot little line there is no such in Hinduism in Brahman there is no dueto there is no Duality trace of Duality how much to emphasize and means the upanishad again and again reiterates this that Duality is not at all to be tolerated it cannot tolerate the upanishadic truth always says it cannot tolerate duality the truth Brahman or the upanishad Sages the realized people or suti upanishad the punishad cannot tolerate the word duality shabda why why did Kenneth wallet shop it is beyond all you you say something to describe to analyze you say few words sound but Brahman is Brahman is beyond sound your sound cannot reach there you will try to understand everything through your mental year stick no what is our realistic our greatest year stick about Brahman is mind you can mind is the biggest thing you can think about it can spread it can go to the Sun and 20 times come back now you can move it billion and Miles okay mentally throw it and come back no it can do butam [Music] your mind is incapable of measuring this distance and it fails to May measure it it is beyond mind [Music] it's because the speech backwards you cannot formulate any word and describe that it is then you will tell something when there is a comparison you have to give some similar idea you may say this tree this tree is like that of another tree you give some parallelism but there is no parallel [Music] there is no parallel of it and you cannot cite any example it is like this it is like that it is life still the volition tried and not the Super Masti so daddy upanishad says there is no parallel example you cannot give any example which will be close proximity to understand that still they say it is like the sunlight uh King jyoti's tawa that upanishad where what is that Jyoti during daytime what is that Jyoti light in the time the Sun what is the light when the sun is gone when the moon is gone then what the Stars that when the stars are gone then what fire and then fire is gone no lamp in a room lamp and when the lamp is gone lamb light is gone then sound suppose huh says light gets off then you say Hey you are all sitting there all are sitting there what how do I communicate with you don't move you can go to that corner and open the door so sound that is the object of knowledge when that sound also goes then touch hey don't move I am walking so I'm holding this and rolling that and then in the darkness and go to the door no and what is behind that when that also goes the light which signs inside that is the light that's a beautiful analysis but that saying this light cannot illumine anything there is no parallel but they are trying to give us some examples so that we can understand a little bit that's why they give example but there is no upama it is like this or it is like that this type of example there is no such example so that's why there is no trace of duality and The Punisher cannot tolerate the word duality and because it is beyond sound of that eaten Beyond it's all mental con conception manatitam it is beyond bakku the speech it is never get polluted malam it is the pollution it does not get polluted any time nothing can pollute this they give the example the sky cannot be polluted and Fire in one place big fire and you see that as if this space is solved smoky but sky does not get attached to the smoke or your whatever storm or rain or snow it does not get affected so it is like Sky that's why the example is like sky but that example is totally wrong if someone thinks like sky and think of Sky no that's also Duality that's right I sometimes argue people say I don't like to worship God in the temple like in a photograph it's a photograph honey you you do your mental imagination you think of Brahman or birad Brahman what is your Brahman close your eyes and Brahman is the horizon no that's weak how much big you think think so you're thinking of limited this limitation you don't like but you would like that type of big limited space anyhow so this is there is no this or that so there is not even a trace of duality in Brahman the punishers cannot tolerate Duality it is beyond words Beyond mind Beyond speech and is ever stainless as it is bereft of the concept of comparison Brahman certainly cannot be expressed as like this or like that okay so again yeah if any question so these are the passes really it is like it is like we are reading or something like that huh it is reading like uh jogava sister like that no it is like talking about philosophy like this close into that that's why these are the verses to be meditated for a student of vedanta they take these verses they can one memorize and think on that one after another the vedanta meditation is your favorite several types this is also another type of meditation [Music] the meditation on tatra that means the truth is so you have anything condition the Nissan is a class so we end the class here now and then we will go to the question answer foreign for teenagers or someone younger what could be some of the what could be some of the good sources to teach him how the foundations of our Sonata Dharma and expose him to high ideals in our glorious spiritual tradition he is what to do yeah what book will be you can ask them to read little bit of Swami Vivekananda very inspiring uh books of Swami Vivekananda depending on the nature of the boy or a girl what type of tendency is very rational mind so reading that type of book will give him they solve their questions my main thing that when we talk to our younger people we have to give some reason why it is so why shall I go to Temple why shall I meditate what is the benefit and what is this God what is it if I there's no need of God in the youngest uh but God is needed more in the troubled days old days health problem some disaster comes that time but a young man is not facing those challenges and they have their own world they see the world this way so to talk to them you can just do a research go to ramakrishna Vivekananda literature and you can find some books from there but any book to give them self-confidence to have faith in them and to lead a very honest Pure Life that that inspiration can be and drawn from many other books many books section you can our catalog you can go to bedanta catalog to find books or you can go to Nike there and also my dress smarter but what is called Chennai I have value education it is now become very prominent you can go to Delhi Center uh our ramakrishna mission Delhi and you can click that they are working on this value education how the values of life and values can be imparted into our life depending on the age there will be much available you have to research a little online and then actually another question witness Consciousness is duality in Brahman there is no Duality witness Consciousness can see body mind and world as not me it is also still silent and conscious why is it dual why is it dwell because so long you say that you are the witness Consciousness you are seeing something ah if you say I am the witness Consciousness and I am seeing my thought that means you are living in The Duality but when by observing this your objective universe will dissolve then witness Consciousness become that absolute Consciousness which is the Brahma but so long you see something Duality is there I see you yeah beautiful commentary he says so long or wherever you see nothing that data so so long you are seeing something so long you are hearing something so long you are meditating some on something that is a duality because there are otherwise who is meditating on whom who is thinking of whom so there is the the range of Duality so that's why witness so long you say witness Consciousness it is a technical term so long you feel that you are Observer and this is the observed universe or if you are Observer and your mind is being observed you are the Observer your intellect is functioning this way determining This Way That You observe Observer observed and like that in your ego is also making finer level if you can go that is also Observer and observed so these are The Duality but when this also will drop who will be Observer who will be observed there is no Observer there is no observe nothing to observe so Observer and observer share in the Sin so long there is an object to see you are an observer so if this object is can be eliminated annihilated by spiritual practice and only you can stand on your witness Consciousness then everything drops what will remain that's absolute Consciousness to the demand that's why it is dual how to know if we have a glimpse of pure Brahman and Beyond witness Consciousness also that need not have to be told by anybody in the bhagavad-gita if thousands of sons suddenly appear in the sky and in the suppose in the morning only you see thousand Sun of the billions appeared will you say hey is there any sun will you put that question anytime it is an experience should be so overwhelming that you need not have to tell anybody you even people come with the sword to kill you they said Allah I have this experience so when that experience comes you will be filled with joy please and and disturb personality filled with all consciousness of the Divine you see the play as a different world will open up but still we'll have to continue continue continue when comes he he will or she will understand whose heart is merged into that Consciousness that they will say how is that we cannot we cannot it cannot be expressed so no no one can describe that um tomorrow is tomorrow then no question tomorrow is a Wednesday so I my class is there okay tomorrow is the gospel class okay so no question from the platform okay only only analyzing the process they have given and your Guru has given the Mantra repeat mind becoming clear purer and purer it will have these questions spontaneously come and its solution also will become because it is as we say mind pure nothing no secret spirituality is very simple then the Mind becomes clear then you see things through and through if the glass is clear I think see things clear the glass is hazy the thing will be here I see it hazy when it is clouded more I cannot see anything even with wearing the glass I see nothing so similarly it is spiritual practice and day and night to think that we live in the body Consciousness why so low in our body Consciousness let us lift our mind another level but it pulls us down to push it up all the time how I love to thought so all all the beautiful words we read to contemplate on one one word uh whole day you are reading Gita and that one on the meaning of the Gita let the Mind dwell day and night on the meaning of this so how to boost the Mind from my playing the mundane plane do something and it will happen it has happened to so many sages Saints they are like us Ordinary People no one is born foreign everyone struggle like us so we have to struggle and keep the mind in a lovely thought that is the major thing and gradually gradually day by day inch by inch means by we do not know how much cloud has gathered around my mind no so don't worry about that don't think that I have a deep class thick cloud or less cloud just I do my business and let their mind under that so that's we should try to rescue ourselves you know by this be positive never take the negative idea oh I am bad because my thought is going on no that is gone it's mine's business but I will hold on I will do my best I ignore that be mentally strong and mind gets very weak because of this negative thinking we have thought negative thinking so many from childhood till today how many positive thoughts we got the opportunity to absorb so many negative thoughts negative thoughts means we are spiritual life in this life negative thought is my mind has got caught minus God thought his negative thought let us Define this way how my negative thought means but we have been say we are in our age of 20 30 40 no what we did 40 years 40 years time how much time we talk of something which is Transcendental which is pure which is birthless which is deathless and entity of mind I have been taught from my childhood yeah study get this have these grow these do this grab this this this this all have been taught to hold on to the world world world world and now I say I want no this is now you are leaving me I'll catch you so they they run after us and they grab our neck and tried to drown us but we should not be frightened with that this is a cream I created it I will not create it by once created it not knowingly but I will create it that's okay it's me so be strong be powerful keep positive thinking and that will happen Om Shanti Shanti Shanti peace peace peace so see you tomorrow in the evening